Sunday, August 1, 2010


As most of you know, real life has been kicking both of us hard all summer. Because of that – and the fact that SorceressCirce goes back to work the day after tomorrow – we have had to come to a tough decision regarding our posting schedule.

Keeping up with weekly updates is just not possible for us right now, so in the interest of our readers, we want to keep at least one story updating regularly. Marked was our first story and is by far our most ambitious. It will continue to post every other week, starting Sunday, August 8th.

We will still be working on Be Careful What You Wish For, and it will still update. It just won't be on a set schedule. We will work on it as life allows, and we fully intend to see the story through to the end. We would continue to post both of them as we have been, but clearly, that can't happen at the moment. If life lets up, and we feel we can handle the regular updates on both stories again, we will go back to it.

We thank you for always supporting us and for being so understanding. The next chapter of Wish is almost finished and could post sometime this week. If not, we'll see you next Sunday for Marked!


  1. Take your time getting life in order, we all can relate that life gets a bit crazy sometimes. First time commenter, recent reader here. I discovered Marked in a recommendation post on Livejournal and through that came across your blog and found Be Careful What You Wish For. I absolutely love both stories, keep up the amazing work with these boys!!

  2. Marked? I look for it every day now that the 8th has past.
