Sunday, November 6, 2011

Eye Candy - chapter 310 - Rapt

When he trails off, I glance at him curiously.

"I thought it'd be Jasmine first," he explains with a shrug, returning his attention to the twins. "She's so…"

"Wild," I supply with a grin.

He laughs. "Bold," he corrects.

I nod, watching them with a smile. "Lily's the observer, though," I muse. "She's been trying to figure it out."

Just then, Rosalie appears with the camera, and everything happens at once. There are delighted squeals after the first few pictures are taken – squeals that startle Lily, who cries when she sits down hard.

Still, her smile – and determination – return quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Yup, the observers often discovers the "how" long before the bold ones muster the courage to give it a shot.
