Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Eye Candy - chapter 334 - Birth

Weeks go by before Rose and Emmett welcome Daisy into the world. This time, the delivery goes much quicker and without complication, much to everyone's relief.

Edward holds Cam in his arms, giving him his first view of his baby cousin. Edward whispers, "Gently now. Feel her cheek?"

Emmett stands on Rose's other side, grinning widely. The twins are sitting on the end of the bed at Rose's feet, mesmerized by the sight of their new sister.

Putting my hand on Emmett's shoulder, I mutter, "How on earth are you going to handle all those hormones?"

Emmett laughs; Rose glares.


  1. I am on Rose's side! Probably because it was just a month ago for me and i do remember all that VERY well!
