Friday, July 9, 2010

A Housekeeping Notice

Hey everyone. Just a quick note to let you all know that Whitlock-Masen will not update again until August 1st. Between RL and the commitment to FGB, we're both stretched very thin with precious little time or brainfunction left to write.
We hate to do this, but we have to give life a priority over fiction - something we know you'll understand. We will update with a chapter of Wish (you know, the talk?), and then hopefully we'll be back on schedule again after that, barring any further surprises. We'll continue to write, but rather than adding unneeded pressure on ourselves or our lovely beta-team, we're suspending Marked & Wish for a few weeks.

Thank you for your continued love and support. It truly means the world to us both, and it's the reason why we keep on going.


  1. I am sad that I won't get my Marked fix but obv I understand. RL can b a bitch. Can't w8 4 the FGB o/s.
    I'll miss u!

  2. Whenever you can post, ladies! I for one understand completely, and I hope everything goes smoothly for y'all!
