Saturday, May 28, 2011

Eye Candy - chapter 148 - Tattletale

"Hey, Rose and Em just got here. Can I call you later tonight?"

"You better," Edward says playfully. "Tell them I said hi."

We exchange goodbyes, and I answer the door with a goofy smile.

Emmett holds up a twelve-pack. "Killer day, bro."

I smile and hug them both, then reach down to pet Odin, but he's not there. Instead, he's glued to Rosalie's side, sniffing her incessantly.

"Odin, stop that." I frown.

We sit, and it's more of the same. I notice Rose's beer sitting untouched beside her – completely unlike my sister.

"Rose? What's going on?" I ask.

1 comment:

  1. Doggies always sense when someone has a bun in the oven. Odin you smart doggie you.
