Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Field of Change

A/N: Happy Birthday, Betham! We wanted to mark your day to let you know we love you, so we hope you enjoy these two boys. We hope you have a fantastic day, sweets.
As ever, we do not own Twilight - it owns us.


I look around at my friends. Most everyone's paired off, happy and in love.

It's too much, so soon after my break-up with Alistair. Seeing everyone like that just hurts, so I grab my guitar and escape quietly into the fields behind Emmett's place so I'll be left alone.

Sitting down against the scarecrow, I strum my guitar, staring out into nothing as I try to clear my mind.

Images of Al and me keep invading my thoughts, though. I sigh, closing my eyes and letting my palm rest flat on my guitar, just listening to the sounds of nature.


Something crashes through the grain to my right. My eyes snap open, and Jasper stumbles just into view.

He practically growls as he reaches down and grabs something before straightening and hurling it as far as he can. Then he sighs and puts both hands behind his head.

Before I can say anything, he turns and catches sight of me. “Oh,” he says, “sorry. I didn’t mean to… I’ll just go.”

He turns on his heel, and for some reason, I stop him. “No, it’s okay. I just didn’t feel like being around everyone.”

“Tell me about it,” he huffs.


Quirking a brow, I try for a little sarcastic humor. “So who pissed in your Cheerios?”

Jasper's eyes widen in surprise before he lets out one bark of a laugh. “Oh. Peter decided to show up. With his latest... acquisition.”

I frown. “Ouch. Harsh, dude, I'm sorry.”

He shrugs, flops down next to me, Indian-style, and starts plucking at some wheat stalks at our feet.

We sit in silence for a while, though eventually I begin strumming on my guitar again, bringing a faint smile to Jasper's lips.

“Been awhile since I heard you play,” he murmurs, glancing at me.


I smile, playing another chord. “Guess it has been, yeah…”

Silence falls on us again, so I lean my head back against the scarecrow’s post and let my fingers talk. Without conscious thought, they begin to play “Polly,” and Jasper tilts his head, listening for a minute before chuckling.

“Oh, hey! Do you still remember ‘Heaven Beside You’?” he asks.

Amused that his thoughts have returned to high school with mine, I nod. “Of course.”

I glance down at my hands as I begin and then look up at him, grinning. “You know you have to sing,” I tease him.


Jasper's eyes are closed as he sings, “Like the coldest winter chill, Heaven beside you, Hell within...”

My fingers remember this song well from high school, allowing me to focus on Jasper's voice. I marvel at how much it's changed since then. How much deeper it's gotten. It's got a little more edge to it now, too.

He sounds damn sexy.

The thought almost makes me falter, but I quickly recover. Jasper doesn't even appear to notice. For the first time, I allow myself to really look at him, taking in all the other changes that time has brought him.


The gray t-shirt Jasper wears doesn’t seem to have changed, but the way it stretches across his shoulders has. His jeans are well-worn, showing the contours of his thighs, and I can’t help but appreciate the bulge of his crotch.

I feel my own body responding and shift on the ground, trying to get a little more comfortable – and a little less obvious.

Fuck… when did Jasper get hot?

I’ve never seen him that way before, and now I can’t look away.

“And out of your mind…” he sings, catching me off guard as the song winds to a close.


As the last notes of the song fade away, we grin at each other, both likely remembering the parties we had in high school and the things we got up to then.

Snorting, I shake my head. “Hard to believe we're all grown up now, isn't it?”

Jasper throws his head back and laughs. I admire the way his muscles play along his neck and how his eyes crinkle when he smiles his dimpled, crooked smile. He runs his fingers through his hair. “No shit. Especially to think Emmett's the first one to get married. To my sister, no less.”


He goes on a hilarious rant about the first time he caught Emmett with Rosalie. None of us had any idea they were dating, and he walked in on them – literally. Emmett had one hand up Rosalie’s skirt and the other on her breast.

Jasper blanches at the memory, and I can’t help but snicker.

“Yeah, yeah… laugh it up. Swear to god, it scarred me for life.”

“Because it was your sister or because it was a chick?”

He shoots me a grin. “Both,” he says with an easy shrug.

I chuckle, nodding in understanding as our eyes meet.


He watches me for a moment, his expression softening slightly with the hint of concern. “So, what happened between you and Al?”

The question catches me off guard, though it really shouldn't. We've always talked about shit like that before. No, the reason I'm taken aback is because it actually takes me a few seconds to remember that there even was a “me and Al.”

Frowning at myself, I put my guitar carefully aside before pulling my knees up and resting my arms on them. Staring at the ground between my feet, I sigh.

“What didn't happen?” I mutter darkly.


“Hey, it’s cool if you don’t want to talk about it…” I can hear the question in Jasper’s voice – the curiosity about why this time would be any different than before.

“Nah, it’s alright.” I sigh, trying to think of where to begin. Staring at my fingers, I finally say, “It was like he was two different people, man. Most of the time, things were great, but then I’d come home five minutes late, and he’d grill me about where I was. He thought I was cheating and…” I shake my head, grimacing. “He was just paranoid – crazy fucking paranoid.”


When Jasper doesn't say anything, I chance a glance at him, only to find him staring at me, wide-eyed. He blinks, shaking his head. “What the fuck? How the hell could he think you, of all people, would cheat on him? On anyone?”

I shrug.

Jasper starts ranting, angry on my behalf that Alistair would ever accuse me of such a thing. It makes me smile to hear him stand up for me, to hear his conviction as he explains to me – of all people – that I never even so much as look at another guy when I'm with someone.


I sit back, smiling in quiet amusement. The hurt I felt over Alistair’s accusations begins to fade as I listen to how Jasper sees me. I’d put everything I had into my relationship with Al; I just don’t know how to do it any other way. To hear him say such horrible things about me – to me – had broken me.

“What are you grinning at?” Jasper grumbles suddenly, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips despite his mock-annoyance.
“You. You’re cute.”

His eyes widen. “Cute, huh? Since when?”

“Since now.” I shrug and tease him. “My righteous defender.”


Jasper snorts quietly, rolling his eyes.

Putting my hand on his knee, I look at him, all humor forgotten as I say, “Thanks. Really. It means a lot to hear you say all that. Probably more than you realize.”

His eyes search mine for a moment before he nods. “No problem. I know you, man. Have, for most of your life. That shit's just not in you. I respect you for that. Always have.”

I smile at him. “Thanks. Again.”

He covers my hand with his own, and I marvel at how warm it is. “You're a great guy, Gar.”


“Whoever ends up with you will be a lucky man,” he finishes, pulling his hand away. He reclines, leaning back on his elbows and letting his head loll back as he soaks up the sun.

My smile grows, fueled by the warmth spreading through my chest at his words. Before I can return the compliment – Jasper is an amazing man – he speaks again, directing his words to the sky.

“Hell, that’s part of the reason I had a mad crush on you back in high school.”


He laughs and sits up. “Oh, yeah… don’t tell me you didn’t know.”


I just stare at him with my mouth hanging open.

He laughs, nudging my knee. “Dude, you were totally cool back then. Everyone had a crush on you, I think.”

I snort.

“Seriously!” He ticks off his fingers as he lists everything. “Black leather jacket. That motorcycle you bought and drove to school even if your folks hated it. Long hair, torn jeans. Hell, you're the one that got me into Grunge.”

He really thought I was cool?

He had a crush? On me?

Jasper grins. “You really didn't know?”

“I can honestly say I didn't have a fucking clue.”


I can feel the stupid grin on my face before something hits me. “Hey, wait… I was cool? What the hell, man?” I say, half-teasing – and half-serious because I’m consumed with curiosity about how he sees me now.

“You’re still cool.” He winks.

I frown slightly, tilting my head as I study him. I hear those two little voices in the back of my head debating – the gentleman, telling me not to risk my friendship, and the jackass, telling me to go for what I want.

The jackass wins.

“Do you still have a crush on me?” I ask quietly.


Jasper raises an amused eyebrow, though there's something else in his eyes, too. I just can't tell what.

“Ohh, no,” he challenges, “I just told you one of my – apparently best-kept – secrets. Tit for fucking tat, Gar.”

He grins.

Shit. Me and my big mouth.

Pulling my hat off, I scrub my fingers through my hair as I try to think of what to tell him. And then it hits me. Tat!

I move to sit on my knees and start unbuttoning my jeans, causing Jasper's eyes to bulge. I laugh, rolling my eyes. “Relax, just doing as you requested.”


I lower my jeans a little further than necessary, mostly to see Jasper gape and feel his eyes roaming the light dusting of hair I’ve left dangerously low. I don’t know if he’s aware of the way he shifts on the ground, but I am.

Grinning, I pull up my shirt, giving him a clear view of the script tattoo curving around my hipbone.

“No one knows about that – well, unless they’ve seen me naked, of course.”

His eyes linger on my skin as he murmurs, “I celebrate myself, and sing myself, and what I assume you shall assume… Whitman?”


I nod, then realize he’s not looking at my face. “Yeah,” I answer with amusement in my voice.

He tears his eyes away, smirking as he looks up at me. “Explain?”

I lower my shirt and pull up my jeans, giving myself a second to think. “It’s… a lot of things, I guess. It reminds me that I’m not just me… we’re all in this together, you know? But I got it as a reminder that I’m… worth something.” My voice grows smaller as I admit the last.

Jasper’s eyes are serious – and troubled. “You are, Garrett,” he says simply.


Settling back down, we sit in silence for a few minutes. I’m lost in memories of my break-up with Randall, my first serious boyfriend. I was heartbroken when I found out Randall had cheated on me.

It'd killed me when he'd blamed me for it, saying I hadn't been enough – wasn't good enough for him or anyone else.

The months after that made up a dark period in my life, and it had taken all of my friends to pull me out of the depression I'd fallen into. Jasper included.

Watching him now, I'm certain he remembers much the same.  


Jasper's eyes are on me – pensive, worried. Curious?

Clearing my throat self-consciously, I resume my seat from earlier: legs drawn up, arms resting on my knees, my eyes focused on the ground between my feet as I try not to linger on those memories.

I worked hard to get back to myself again, and that tattoo is my permanent reminder.

Jasper nudges my shin. “He was an idiot, Gar. Al, too. Hell, so were Mike, and what's his name... Corin, that's right... too. They didn't know what they had, Garrett. Trust me on this.”

“Neither did Peter,” I point out.  


Jasper shoots me a grateful smile and then sighs. “I don’t know why the hell I even care that he’s here,” he mutters.

I raise an eyebrow in amusement. “Because this is your space – your sister’s house – and that fucker just invaded it.”

He gives a low chuckle and nods. “Yeah, guess that’s it. I just want to be done with him, you know?”

I nod, understanding what he doesn’t say. Ever since Jasper dumped Peter, Peter seems to have made it his life’s mission to annoy him to death.

“Who invited him anyway?” I wonder aloud.

“Peter.” Jasper smirks.


I snort, shaking my head. It really shouldn't surprise me that Peter would do that.

Sitting back against the scarecrow, I watch Jasper as he plays with a few stalks of grain, idly weaving them together.

My mind wanders down paths I've never thought of before.

“Wonder what would've happened if we'd ever gotten together,” I muse.

Jasper's eyes cut to mine, though he continues doing what he's doing. The crooked grin on his face confuses me as he says, “Often wondered that, myself. Would be interesting to find out, wouldn't it?”

Fuck! I said that out loud?

I blush.


One word really catches my attention. “Often?” I ask curiously.

Jasper grins and shrugs. “Yeah.”

“That’s all you’re going to say? ‘Yeah’?”

He chuckles. “Until you say something else… yup.”

I frown slightly, intrigued by his evasion. “Something like..?”

He shrugs again, his impish grin firmly in place. “Whatever comes to you.”

His dancing around the subject is enough to give me some courage. He’s clearly wondered about us… and just as clearly not dismissed the idea.

I smile, dropping my knees so that I’m sitting Indian-style. Leaning forward, I murmur, “What if I said I’d like to find out?”


“I'd say I think I can live with that,” he deadpans, eyes sparkling and locked with mine.

I decide to tease him just a little. “I don't know... we've known each other most of our lives. Not a lot we don't know about each other... might be kinda boring.”

Jasper leans forward, his face scant inches from mine as he murmurs, “So sure about that? God only knows what other secrets you've got besides that tattoo of yours. I think there's still plenty left to discover.”

“That so?”

“Mhmm, for starters...” Trailing off, he tilts his head and kisses me.


I half-expect kissing Jasper to be strange – because he’s Jasper. But his hand is warm as it slides up my thigh and his full lips are soft. When he parts them, he tastes sweet and sultry, like some type of forbidden candy.

Before I realize it, I’ve tangled my hand in his shirt, yanking him closer. He responds with a growl that ignites passion and anticipation, making me struggle to keep from pushing him to the ground, here and now.

Instead, I force myself to slow and then part from him. He opens his eyes, smiling lazily.

“Damn,” he whispers.


I murmur, “Damn's right. That was...mmm.”

I can't help myself, and it seems he can’t either as he meets me in the middle for another long, sweet kiss.

Somehow, I end up sitting against the scarecrow again, but with Jasper in my lap and my hands on his sides. When he eventually pulls away far enough to talk, he grins. “I can't tell you how glad I am that kissing you didn't turn out weird.”

I chuckle, knowing exactly what he means. Running my fingers through his blond hair, I ask, “So where do you want to go from here?”


“I want to get to know you,” he answers, laughing when I stare at him incredulously. “No, I mean it! I mean… yeah, I know your favorite cereal is Fruit Loops and you love Ren and Stimpy and you look like some Grunge god when you play the guitar…”

I feel my cheeks heat as I laugh. He kisses me softly, whispering, “But I want to learn the stuff the rest of the guys don’t know.”

The unintentional innuendo puts a smirk on my face as I say, “And how do you want to do that?”

“Hmm… truth or dare?”


I groan.

Jasper chuckles. “C'mon. It'll be fun. Promise.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Just don't dare me to kiss Emmett again. I like where my family jewels are, thank you,” I say, remembering Rose's threat from the last time we played this game.

He kisses me hard and growls, “Fuck no. You're mine now, Gar. No one touches these lips but me.”

I groan again, feeling my dick stir in response.

“I like the sound of that,” I say, clearing my throat. “So...?”

He grins. “Truth or Dare?”


“Left or right side of the bed?” he asks.


I smile. “Right. Truth or dare?”


Pausing to think for a moment, I can’t resist kissing him again. His lips move smoothly against mine, and just that easily, I have my question. “Am I a good kisser?”

He laughs, pulling my hat off to tangle his fingers in my hair. He kisses me deeply, moans against my lips, and pulls away to whisper breathlessly, “Fuck, yes… truth or dare?”

We play for a few minutes more, choosing truth and learning silly things. Then he asks, “Do you think we can work?”

Studying his deep blue eyes, I smile. “Yes.”


He chooses truth again. I bite my lip, my eyes still on his as I whisper, “Do you think we could work?”

His answer is immediate, sure. “Yes. Absolutely.”

His eyes twinkle, then. “Truth or Dare?”


“What's your favorite sex position?”

I cough in surprise, blushing, but recover quickly, squeezing his hips. “Like this, only with less clothing.”

Jasper shifts just so, rubbing against me, and we both moan. “Just like this, huh?”

I nod, biting my lip. For his turn, he chooses dare. “Show me yours.”

His eyes darken. “Take me home, and I will,” he says huskily.


“Are you serious?” I ask, unable to resist rolling my hips into his.

He moans softly, biting his bottom lip. “My turn to ask the question…” he murmurs. “Truth or dare?”


He leans down and breathes into my ear, “Do you want to fuck me right now?”

“Fuck,” I whisper, my fingers digging into his hips. “Yes… hell yes. Can’t you feel it?”

His fingers pull my hair painfully as he bites my earlobe. “Mhmm… can I feel it in me?”

“Oh my god…” I hold him close, my cheek against his chest as we writhe against each other.


How long we stay like that, I'm not sure, but when I feel like I'm about to lose all control, I pull away, panting. My eyes search his frantically, my fingers digging into his sides.

“Jazz, take me home now, or I'm liable to end up fucking you dry. Here. Now. I can't wait much longer, and I really don't want to hurt you,” I say, my voice raw with desire.

His gaze burns into mine for several seconds before he scrambles off my lap and jumps to his feet. Grabbing my hand, he jerks me to mine, as well.


We don’t even bother going inside to say goodbye. Slinging my guitar over my back, I take Jasper’s hand again. We set off through the field, crossing it to get to Jasper’s house.

The whole time we’re walking, he keeps casting glances over his shoulder at me, grinning like he can’t believe what’s happening. I know the feeling – the whole thing seems a little surreal to me, too.

As soon as we step onto his back porch, he’s on me again. His hands are roaming deliberately as he kisses me hungrily, and I couldn’t stop my moans if I tried.


Jasper takes my guitar, placing it on the porch-swing before pulling me inside. I'm not worried about anyone taking it – we're too remote – so I follow him willingly as he leads me to his bedroom with purposeful strides.

Once there, we undress each other as quickly as we're able between kisses and groping, our need for more increasing with every item we discard.

As soon as I'm naked, he pushes me onto the bed with a grin, grabbing lube and a condom from his nightstand before crawling over me.

“Yours first. I'll show you mine, later,” he murmurs, kissing me.


I start to protest, reminding him of the dare, but he silences me with a kiss and a smile. “Trust me… I’ll be taking you my favorite way in a little while. But this is so much better for our first time…”

I inhale sharply and kiss him eagerly, overcome with the idea of being with him again and again. Together, we slide up the bed, where he piles pillows against the headboard. We prepare each other, our hands colliding in our haste, and finally – finally – he straddles me.

Guiding my cock, I groan as he takes all of me.


I hold him still, my eyes closed and my head thrown back as I just breathe. I'm afraid that if he moves, I'll come right then and there.

Being inside of him is exquisite. Jasper apparently feels it, too, as he whispers, “Oh fuck, Gar... so full. So good... Move, please... need to...”

Taking a steadying breath, I open my eyes to gaze at him, only to close them again when he kisses me fiercely as he rolls his hips.

I moan into the kiss and start to move with him, my arms firmly wrapped around him, holding him close.


The intimacy of being with someone this way has always heightened every sensation for me. Having Jasper wrapped around me – his chest in my face, his head over mine – blocks out the rest of the world. All I know is him.

It’s all I want to know.

Lifting my chin, I kiss him with abandon as our hard bodies move together. His hips rock seductively back and forth, up and down, grinding on my cock in a way that makes me whimper. He’s intense and focused, giving me every little piece of him.

I can’t help but do the same.


Kissing me hard, Jasper shifts to gain more leverage. The new angle makes me hit his prostate, and he cries out into my mouth, his fingers gripping my hair to the point of pain.

Our pace becomes frenzied, the sounds he's making urging me on. The way he looks drives me to get him closer. He's so beautiful like this, as he moves with abandon, chasing his release and pulling me right along with him.

“God, Jazz... so fucking good, baby... Please, let me see... come for me, please, baby...” I babble, panting from the exertion. I'm so fucking close.


Just as I feel that elusive point approaching where one more touch will send me spiraling, Jasper freezes in place. He tightens around me, his mouth hanging open, before he suddenly screams, “Oh f-f-fuck!”

His entire body shudders as I feel his hot, sticky release shoot across my chest. I whimper, nearly panicked as I say, “Baby… oh god, baby, please don’t… don’t stop… don’t…”

Jasper doesn’t open his eyes as he begins again, immediately bringing back that sense of impending paradise. I grasp his hips, guiding him to what I need, and soon I’m crying out against his chest.


Jasper sags in my arms, apparently exhausted from the exertion. With one last push of strength, I hold him tight as I scoot us both down before collapsing in a heap.

He shifts to get more comfortable, lying half on top of me still. I squeeze him lightly, kissing the top of his head. “Thank you,” I breathe.

“For what?” he mumbles, lifting his head.

I shrug. “Just 'thank you'.” I chuckle and add, “I definitely think I could get used to this.”

He quirks a questioning eyebrow.

“You. Being with you like this. Amazing sex aside... it feels... right.”


“Don’t discount the amazing sex now,” he warns, half-teasing.

I chuckle, and he presses up to kiss me gently.

“Seriously… Gar, I’ve loved you my whole life. We already know we get along… having physical chemistry is definitely something to be happy about, you know? Coulda been like fucking your brother.” I shudder involuntarily, and he laughs. “Exactly.”

“Yeah, I see your point,” I murmur. With my finger under his chin, I urge his lips to mine again before whispering, “So is it a good sign that I’m already anxious to try this favorite position of yours?”

“Absolutely.” He grins.


We doze on and off for a while, talking quietly when we're both conscious and just generally enjoying being this close.

After a while, Jasper's stomach grumbles, causing us both to laugh.

He grins. “Want to cook dinner with me?”

Squeezing him tighter, I nod. “Sounds good to me.”

We get up, only bothering with underwear and t-shirts before heading to his kitchen. He scours his fridge briefly, looks over his shoulder, and asks, “You want fajitas or my pizza?”

Placing my hand on the small of his back, I smile. “Fajitas?”

He nods and starts handing me the ingredients.


Jasper’s chopping peppers when he says, “Oh hey, could you grab a wooden spoon?”

“Of course. Umm… where is it?”

He laughs. “Drawer by the fridge."

“Got it,” I answer, kissing his cheek. I’m surprised by how easy it’s been to switch into this intimate place with him, but I also love every second of it.

Opening the drawer by the refrigerator, I freeze, staring in disbelief at condoms and tubes of flavored lube. “Umm…”

“What’s-” Jasper starts before laughing. “Oh. Ahh… the other drawer.”

Crossing the floor, I wrap my arms around him. “Something you want to tell me?”


He grins, blushing as he puts down his knife and turns in my arms. His eyes are dancing as he leans in, whispering against my lips, “Well, I did say I'd show you my favorite later, didn't I?”

His eyes dart meaningfully to the drawer as he chuckles, kissing me. I lose myself for a minute before remembering what we were talking about.

Pulling back, I raise a questioning eyebrow.

“A man who knows his way around a kitchen's sexy – what can I say? Besides, I like being prepared. Those aren't the only ones stashed around the house.”

He winks.


“How often do you use all of those?” I can’t help asking.

He laughs and kisses me softly. “When I have a boyfriend…” He shrugs and then adds begrudgingly, “And a few other times.”

“Oh, really? Sounds like there really is a lot I need to learn about you…”

His smile is incorrigible as he lets his hands drift down, squeezing my ass. “Does it bother you, baby?”

I shake my head. “Not really… can I ask why the kitchen, though?”

At that, he moans and closes his eyes, pressing close to me. “For my absolute favorite position…” he breathes.


“Which is?” I manage, but only barely, as Jasper's lips latch onto my neck, his hips rolling into mine.

“Oh jesus... Jazz,” I moan, earning me a breathy chuckle.

“Want me to show you?” His voice is husky, full of promise and want.

All I can do is nod as his thumbs hook into my waistband. At my consent, he lowers my boxer-briefs so I can step out of them. Except... he doesn't get back up.

Instead, he smirks up at me. “First, I want an appetizer,” he teases, licking me from tip to base and back again.

“Oh fuck...”


Jasper guides my bare ass against the counter and spreads my feet so he can get even closer. He takes my head between his lips, teasing me by flicking his tongue along my ridge. I groan in arousal and frustration, bouncing my hips a little.

His laugh is muffled by my cock as he suddenly takes me all the way, so far that his nose brushes against my abdomen.

“Holy shit!”

It takes me a second to realize I wasn’t the only one that cried out.

“Oh my… Jesus!” My head snaps around, looking for the source of Emmett’s voice.


I feel my dick slip limply from Jasper's lips as Emmett claps his hand in front of his eyes, blushes furiously, and stammers, “I... ahh... we... wondered.... oh fucking hell... saw your guitar...”

Emmett's fingers spread just enough to peek through, but he quickly turns away as he continues to bumble his way through his explanation of why he's here – now.

I'm so shocked, I can't move. Can't even think. It isn't until Jasper nudges my foot that I look down to see him trying to get my underwear back on.

I comply automatically as Emmett apologizes over and over.


“Emmett.” Jasper’s voice finally cuts through Emmett’s babbling. He closes his mouth with a squeak. Jasper and I exchange a glance – and a rueful laugh. “You can open your eyes, man.”

Emmett turns around slowly, his eyes still closed. He peeks through one eye and then opens them both, “Oh, thank god…”

Jasper smirks at him. “Now you know how I felt, huh?”

“That was different!” Emmett splutters. “I… we… you…”

Jasper laughs again and slips his arm around my waist. Unable to resist, I smile at Emmett. “Just be glad Jasper likes appetizers.”

Emmett’s mouth drops open, working wordlessly.


After a few seconds of awkward silence, Emmett clears his throat in an attempt to gather himself. He frowns as he looks between us as if trying to figure something out. “So err... you two friends with benefits or something?”

“Fuck no!” Jasper says, drawing me a little closer.

Emmett scratches the back of his neck. “But-”

Jasper rolls his eyes. “We only just started dating, Em. As in, today?”

“Oh,” he says. His eyes widen suddenly. “Man, you're even easier than your sister! Even she didn't give head on our first date!”

This time, it's our turn to gape.


Jasper recovers first. “Dude, you are in sooo much shit when I tell Rosalie…”

Emmett’s eyes bulge. “You wouldn’t! Come on, Jazz…” he nearly whines.

“He won’t,” I say quickly, ignoring the look Jasper shoots me. “As long as you keep your mouth shut about us.”

Jasper grins as Emmett practically pouts. “Come on! You know I can’t keep this to myself. Everybody’s gonna find out anyway.”

“Yeah, they are,” Jasper says, squeezing me closer. “From us. Got it?”

Emmett sighs, his face torn between acceptance and the obvious excitement of the secret he holds. “Yeah, yeah… I got it.”


Emmett's eyes dart around the kitchen as he clears his throat. “Right. Well... Obviously you two are ahh... okay. So... did you guys want to come over for dinner, or what? That's what Rose sent me over for anyway...”

He frowns, but then his eyebrows shoot up as he grins. “By the way, Jazz, if you hadn't forgotten your phone over at our place, none of this,” he gestures inclusively before digging Jasper's phone out of his pocket and tossing it to him, “would've happened.”

“Thanks,” Jasper answers wryly, then grins. “But I think we're staying in. Appetizers 'n all.”


The kitchen is silent for a moment before Emmett suddenly catches Jasper’s meaning. “Uhh… yeah. Alright, I’m just gonna… yeah. Have fun with… that.” He recovers by the end, throwing us a devilish grin.

He disappears quickly, though, and Jasper chuckles at my side. He turns to face me, putting both hands on my hips as he kisses me softly. I sigh against his lips, losing myself in his embrace for a moment.

When he pulls away, he says, “So… did you want to finish what we started or..?

“Yes, but…”

He grins. “Yeah, I know. After dinner?”

I nod.


Jasper goes to lock the doors while I continue prepping the food. When he comes back, he kisses me and winks before setting back to work himself.

Throughout the evening, we joke about what happened and talk about what we can expect – both from our friends and each other.

After dinner, we wash the dishes. When the last plate's put away, Jasper snaps the towel against my ass, grinning. “Dessert?”

Wiggling my eyebrows, I tilt my head to his bedroom. He still hasn't shown me his favorite, but I'm looking forward to finding out eventually.

We've got nothin' but time.

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